Indie / Pop Rock
🎤 Jonnie 🎸 Davide Meli
The third album by Jonnie, an artist based in Turin, Italy, will be completely new. Having told her story without censorship in her first two projects, Jonnie is now ready to tell others. With guitarist Davide Meli, with whom she has embarked on a new journey as a street artist since Covid, she wants to offer her audience the songs that people would have liked to write if they knew how to write songs, by collecting the experiences of everyone in the collective memory and transforming them into something worth preserving, because “collecting and transforming” is the goal of art. With these values in mind, in a new line-up of three (voice, guitar and drums), the “PROPIA” project was born, a term from the ancient Italian language indicating “the state of citizenship granted to the foreigner” as well as “the quality, the condition of what is natural”, to give back through music what belongs to each and every one of us.
CONTACT: promo@kickhit.org